Friday, March 23, 2007

Send letters of support to Shaquanda

Shaquanda Cotton
c/o Ron Jackson Correctional Complex,

Unit 2, Dorm 4
P.O. Box 872
Brownwood, Texas 76804

Remember that she is ONLY 15 years and encourage her.

Sample letters to governor Rick Perry

Rick Perry, Governor,

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

Re: Shaquanda Cotton

Dear Sir;

This letter is in response to a story published in the March 12th 2007 issue of the Chicago Tribune regarding the continued confinement of Shaquanda Cotton of Paris Texas. I am simply infuriated at the severity of the sentence imposed by Judge Chuck Superville. The incident initially considered a misdemeanor, was elevated to a felony, and Judge Superville imposed an indeterminate sentence with one year certain, up to age 21. Yet despite the Lamar County’s District Attorney and his staff protestations to the contrary, one can only conclude that race and the efforts of the Shaquanda’s parent to receive equal treatment for Black children from the school Board and the administration of Paris High School. This action implies an attempt to squash legitimate dissent, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Surely this is not something you would approve, nor any other true American.

Additionally, once Shaquanda was remanded to the custody of the Texas Youth Commission, that initial callousness was further compounded by treating Ms Cotton, diagnosed since age 7 with attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (AHDD), with the drug seratraline (Zoloft). This drug, based on a public warning issued by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), indicated an increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with the use of this antidepressant medication, especially if the recipient was under 18 years old. Shaquanda has since been recorded as having three attempted suicides in the course of the 11 months she has been incarcerated. Shaquanda Cotton, I may add has never been arrested or charged with any other crime previously, at most, a few minor infractions of school rules. Does wearing her skirt one inch too short or pouring too much paint in a cup, deserve such an overwhelming draconian response by the justice system in Paris Texas? I think you will agree with me that it does not.

This is situation is unconscionable, Mr. Governor, and I am sure that you, as the leader of the great state of Texas, want to see Shaquanda Cotton returned home, to recover her childhood, to grow up and become a fine upstanding citizen of whom we can all be proud. Send her home, now, and let her begin realize her fullest human possibilities.

Thank you.




( originally sent by Dwight Hunter)

In Re Shaquanda Cotton

Dear Sir,

No doubt you have received numerous communications regarding the outrageous sentence imposed on Shaquanda Cotton. I’ll not waste your time repeating any of the many reasons why this should not be happening. It appears that those cries for justice have thus far fallen on deaf ears.

There are times when both sides of a controversy have some merit. This is not one of those times. There is no rationale that any marginally humane individual could present that could justify what has been done to this child. This would never happen to my child or yours, yet you sit in silence while it happens to Shaquanda.

Let me be blunt sir. You have the authority to remedy this situation immediately. That is why I am contacting you. There may very well be other perhaps more “proper” channels for resolving this crisis, however you above all others in your state, are charged with the duty to maintain the order and welfare of the citizens of Texas. You can right this wrong with a stroke of your pen. That is what must be done immediately sir, or you will lose all moral authority by your acquiescence to and tacit participation in this shameful action.

I implore you to do the right thing and immediately order the release of this child, Shaquanda Cotton, who I now consider to be my daughter as well. This may well be your legacy, for good or for ill, in this life and the next.


Copy and paste this letter and send to your email list.

Dear Friends,

As you may know, in a small way, I am spearheading a campaign to help free Shaquanda Cotton, who at age 14, was given an indeterminate sentence to age 21 for allegedly pushing hall monitor at her high school in Paris Texas. (see link below) She had never been charged or convicted of ANY crime previously. Judge Chuck Superville who presided over the trial, had recently granted probation to a 14 year old who had burned down her family’s home. Additionally, he presided over a case where a 19 year old had driven his truck into a car bearing a 54 year old grandmother and her 3 year old grand son, killing them both. He was granted probation and required to send an annual Christmas card to the bereaved family for the length of his 5 year probation. The Hall monitor is white, the girl who burned down her home is white, the 19 year truck driver is white. Shaquanda Cotton, now 15, is Black, the grandmother and grandson were Black. Shaquanda Cotton, has been given Zoloft to treat her attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD), a drug that the FDA has indicated causes suicidal thoughts and behavior in anyone younger than 18 and has banned it usage since 2004. Yet for the Texas Youth Commission it was the drug of choice. She has attempted suicide 3 different times. She must be released and returned to her family. I ask that each of you send a letter of protest to Governor Rick Perry of Texas demanding that he release her immediately.

When you send your letter, please forward a copy to me and I will in turn include it on the Yahoo group site, ( *anonymously if you prefer, so her mother and everyone who visits can see the kind of support she is receiving and will be inspired to work even hard for her release.

Send the letters in whole or parts of each to the Governor, and at least 3 of the newspapers listed, and most importantly, forward this material onto the people on your personal addresslists that you believe would be as infuriated as I am at the attempted state sanctioned destruction of another Black child. Do this now please.

Thank you,

Olajaymi (

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Honorable Governor Rick Perry

Office of the Governor

P.O. Box 12428

Austin, Texas 78711-2428

RE: Shaquanda Cotton

Dear Governor Perry:

(Explain your title in your profession and/or area of expertise if it applies).

I am writing to you in opposition of the imprisonment of Shaquanda Cotton.

I thank you for taking the time to consider my opinion on this matter. I hope that my expressed concern will make a difference in your decision.


(Your Name)

What you can do.

Send letter online to:

FAX: (512) 463-1849

Mailing Address:
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

In addition, make contacts with any and all media and civil rights organizations.

Letters to the Editor:

The Paris News
P.O. Box 1078
Paris, Texas 75461
Fax: (903) 785-1263

Join Yahoo support group:

Newspapers in Texas

Amarillo Globe-News
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Amarillo, TX 79166
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Les Simpson
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Austin American-Statesman
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Fred Zipp
Managing Editor
Mike Wilson

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Beaumont, TX 77704
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News Fax (409) 880-0757
John E. Newhouse II
Aubrey L. Webb
Publisher Emeritus
Timothy M. Kelly

Corpus Christi Caller-Times
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Corpus Christi, TX 78469
(361) 884-2011
News Fax (361) 886-3732
Patrick J. Birmingham
Libby Everyt
Brad Hagstrom

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(214) 977-8222
News Fax (214) 977-8319
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Robert W. Mong, Jr.
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