Dear Friends,
As you may know, in a small way, I am spearheading a campaign to help free Shaquanda Cotton, who at age 14, was given an indeterminate sentence to age 21 for allegedly pushing hall monitor at her high school in Paris Texas. (see link below) She had never been charged or convicted of ANY crime previously. Judge Chuck Superville who presided over the trial, had recently granted probation to a 14 year old who had burned down her family’s home. Additionally, he presided over a case where a 19 year old had driven his truck into a car bearing a 54 year old grandmother and her 3 year old grand son, killing them both. He was granted probation and required to send an annual Christmas card to the bereaved family for the length of his 5 year probation. The Hall monitor is white, the girl who burned down her home is white, the 19 year truck driver is white. Shaquanda Cotton, now 15, is Black, the grandmother and grandson were Black. Shaquanda Cotton, has been given Zoloft to treat her attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD), a drug that the FDA has indicated causes suicidal thoughts and behavior in anyone younger than 18 and has banned it usage since 2004. Yet for the Texas Youth Commission it was the drug of choice. She has attempted suicide 3 different times. She must be released and returned to her family. I ask that each of you send a letter of protest to Governor Rick Perry of Texas demanding that he release her immediately.
When you send your letter, please forward a copy to me and I will in turn include it on the Yahoo group site, ( *anonymously if you prefer, so her mother and everyone who visits can see the kind of support she is receiving and will be inspired to work even hard for her release.
Send the letters in whole or parts of each to the Governor, and at least 3 of the newspapers listed, and most importantly, forward this material onto the people on your personal addresslists that you believe would be as infuriated as I am at the attempted state sanctioned destruction of another Black child. Do this now please.
Thank you,
Olajaymi (
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